Suche nach Beiträgen von LacerMoon

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Beiträge: 1

Re: Helloooooo!!!!!

von LacerMoon am 28.05.2015 08:22

*Cursties with a flourish to Cerri and offers a wonderful bouquet and vase* Ooooo Cerri MiLady, this is simply marvellous...Am searching for a childer to indulge and will absolutley if am so blessed that is...*Giggles* send them here...Why tis a brilliant library you have...a plethora of titbits and information...oooo we shall have to sit down over a pint and reminiscence a wee bit...For has been far too long indeed...Adore you my sweet...Simply grand...


Daughter of Lucius
Sis to Kenosha & der Tote
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