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52, Weiblich

  Demon of the Night

Beiträge: 23


von Cerridwen am 20.02.2015 05:08

The city Blood God, Ravenblack created us all.  He created our city and then left us to govern ourselves.  Occassionally, he will show himself, rise from the shadows of our world and gift us with new items, and/or his presence.

Our history of loving and hating Ravenblack our Blood God is a long one.  You can visit the History pages for more knowledge.

Our city was named for our god, Ravenblack City.

Many wars, great loves, and unlives lost have occurred over the last decade of time.

It would behove a newly turned to familiarize themselves, as to not get themselves killed by the various elders within the city.

Antworten Zuletzt bearbeitet am 20.02.2015 05:08 .

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